Thomas receives a response from his people and summons Sophia and the sleepers to inform them of the news. Meanwhile, Sean forces Vicky to help him, Martinez deals with Vice President Jarvis' betrayal, and Dempsey continues his plans to acquire aliens for his own experimental purposes.
Full Recap
At a SETI monitoring station, the technicians pick up a concentrated signal and they realize it's a message. One worker prepares to notify the NSA, but the other one, Anthony, tells him to confirm first. When he confirms, his co-worker shoots him in the back. Anthony then calls Thomas and says that they received a message back. He gives it to Thomas and then wipes the data, and Thomas tells Isabel that something terrible has happened on their home planet.
Dempsey is at a playground watching the children when the matron comes to see him. He points out one girl and says that she's one of the special ones, and then says he'll be leaving and he wants the girl captured by the time he comes back. The matron assures him that they'll have the extract for him, and Dempsey says that he needs it so he can continue his work. As Dempsey looks on, the matron approaches the girl.
Vicky arrives home and Sean holds her at gunpoint and demands to know who she's working for. She warns that it's suicide, but Sean says that if she doesn't talk, he'll release the location of her son onto the Internet. Vicky caves and says that Dempsey is the one responsible, but he disappeared after she tried to take him out using the Vice President. She explains that Jarvis was part of the conspiracy, and Sean plans to go up against both of them and Vicky is going to help him.
President Martinez tells his staff that Thomas has the uranium rods, and from now on there can be no mistakes. Sterling tells him that they're waiting for Sophia to call so they can trace her, and Martinez has his general prepare troops in the field. When General Armbruster objects, warning that it's illegal to have military troops operating on American soil because of the Posse Comitatus Act, Martinez says that he knows the law and they should do what he says. Jarvis comes in and everyone applauds his return to duty after his recent injury.
Thomas watches as the plane leaves with the uranium rods.
In San Francisco, Michael and Sophia go to a safe house, and Sophia admits that Thomas played her, using her to get the uranium rods and discredit her with Martinez. Sophia's cell phone rings and she answers it. It's Thomas, who says that something important has happened. He says that he received a message back, and they can't afford to be divided any longer. Thomas insists that he has to explain in person, and he's going to meet with all the sleepers on both sides.
Martinez summons Jarvis to his office and asks why he's there. The Vice President wants to put things behind them to deal with the current crisis, and Martinez warns that he can make Jarvis' life miserable if he shows his face in the White House. Jarvis points out that nothing has happened on the record, and he's going to serve his country as he sees best. If the President tries to stop him, he'll reveal everything that Martinez has covered up. Martinez grabs him and warns him to stay out of his way. Before Jarvis can respond, Sterling arrives to summon them to the conference room. They've tracked the call to Sophia's phone and are sending in the soldiers. Martinez tells them to capture her alive... if they can.
As they drive to Washington, Sean realizes that Vicky knows about the aliens and Dempsey's experiments on young girls. Sean notes that she's done a lot of despicable things, but Vicky warns that he doesn't know her. She explains that her dad left her mom when she was a kid, and her stepfather beat Vicky's mother until Vicky found her stepfather's gun and shot him. Sean apologizes, and Vicky tells her that she made up the whole story. She admits that she is the way she is, and there's no deep reason to it.
Sterling comes to see Martinez in the Oval Office and admits that he's worried that Martinez is losing it, after he saw his treatment of Jarvis. He's also concerned about Martinez's decision to use the military, and Martinez explains that it's his fault that Sophia and her people escaped. If he needs to fix the mess they're in because of what he's done, he has to change. Martinez tells Sterling not to interrupt him against until he has new information on Sophia.
Vicky and Sean stop for coffee, and Sean checks his laptop. She asks what she's supposed to do when he gets himself killed and her family information is released. Sean tells her to figure out a way to keep her alive. He finds an article reporting that Jarvis is back at the White House, and attending a fundraiser at the Ambassador Hotel. Vicky suggests that he hack the guest list to get them in, and knows all about his past hacking history. She tells him to find people that already have been vetted.
In Washington, a married couple, the Fisks, are getting ready to go to the fundraiser. Vicky manages to get the husband, Ted, to open the door so she can use the phone, and Sean comes in and holds them at gunpoint. While Sean ties and gags them, Vicky returns with equipment to get their fingerprints and duplicate their IDs. She then prepares to shoot the couple, who can identify her. Sean stops her and pistol whips them unconscious.
Carlos Geller prepares to leave and discusses the situation with his wife, Diane. Leila overhears them talking, and listens as Carlos gets a text message telling him the address of the meeting.
As Sophia and Michael get the text, the soldiers close in on their safe house. Sophia figures that she needs to be there, confident that Thomas won't risk turning their people against him by killing her. As the soldiers move in, Martinez watches on their cameras. He starts to order them in, but Sterling informs him that Sophia has received a text message. As Sophia and Michael leave, Sterling and Martinez realize that Michael is one of the sleepers, and the message is a location for a mass meeting. He tells the soldiers to back off so they can follow and get all of the sleepers.
Sean and a blonde-wigged Vicky go through the security check at the hotel. Sean's fingerprint duplicate doesn't match the first time, but works the second time. Vicky then goes to the women's restroom and assembles a hidden ceramic gun, loading it with two bullets hidden in her metal lipstick. She then goes to the ballroom floor with Sean. Sean introduces himself to Jarvis using his fake ID, and then Vicky comes over. She warns him not to warn the Secret Service or she'll shoot him on the spot, and Sean tells the Vice President to play along and go with them for a minute alone.
In the hotel room, Ted wakes up, makes his way to the door, and kicks on it to get someone's attention.
Once they're alone, Sean tells Jarvis that he's going to help him take down Dempsey. Jarvis warns that Dempsey is threatening his wife and children if he talks, and he doesn't have actual proof. The Vice President insists that there's nothing they or anyone else can do.
The hotel maid hears Ted pounding on the door and releases him, and he tells her to call 911.
Vicky warns Sean that they don't have much time, and Sean takes the gun and puts it to Jarvis' head. He informs the Vice President that Dempsey has taken everything and everyone from him, and he has nothing to lose. Sean demands something to use against Dempsey, and Jarvis says that Dempsey has left for France, somewhere in the Jura Mountains.
The Secret Service agents get the 911 call and start looking for Jarvis. They knock on the door and Vicky and Sean get out just in time.
In Los Angeles, Sophia and Michael go to Union Station, seemingly unaware that they're being followed. The President and his staff watch as Sophia and Michael enter an abandoned cathedral that was bought six months ago by a developer. Carlos arrives and Thomas' lieutenant Devon greets him. Meanwhile, the NSA pick up 200 heat signatures inside, and Martinez orders the soldiers into position.
Inside the cathedral, Thomas tells Sophia that he's glad she and Michael came. She asks to speak to him privately, but Thomas says there'll be no more secrets. He calls the meeting to order.
Sterling shows Martinez photos from a closed-circuit camera across the street, confirming that Thomas is inside with the others.
As Thomas tells the gathered sleepers that his message has been answered, Leila watches from the back. Thomas tells them that their sun has started going supernova earlier than expected, and they have two weeks until all life on their planet is destroyed. His plan to bring a few thousand of their people to Earth is now obsolete. They have to bring their entire population through.
In front of the cathedral, Devon spots one of the soldiers. He goes inside and warns Thomas, while the soldiers close in. Thomas tells Sophia what is happening as the soldiers surround them.
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