Sterling and Richard rally to help President Martinez take control of the political fallout from the detainees' escape from Inostranka. Meanwhile, Michael joins the hunt for Thomas while leaving Leila in the keeping of an old friend, Diane Geller.
Full Recap
Chief of Staff Peel briefs Martinez and his general about Thomas' attack on Inostranka and his release of the detainees. When Martinez wonders how it happened, Peel explains that he's a kind man, but weak. The general agrees, advising Martinez to stand up. Martinez finds himself in the Oval Office, with Sophia at his desk. She tells him that she's been forced to take desperate measures, and Martinez realizes that he's handcuffed to a chair. Sophia recites his own words back to him, asking him to trust her. She tells the general to put Martinez out of his misery, and the general draws a gun and hands it to Thomas. Thomas tells Martinez that if he knows what will happen when his people get there, he'd beg Thomas to kill him. A shot rings out...
... and Martinez wakes up from his nightmare.
A motorcade of SUVs arrives at a gated community. The detainees get out and Thomas assures them that they own the homes, and that they'll have much more when the others arrive. After assigning them tasks, Thomas meets with a disfigured sleeper, Hanson, and tells him that his role will be critical.
Martinez meets with his staff, and is surprised to see that Sterling has had himself released early after his injuries. The President is disgusted that they don't have any leads, and asks Simon for answers. However, he then accuses the general of incompetence, and refuses to hear Sterling's excuses that Thomas took a soldier's family hostage. He tells the general to clean house and leaves.
Sophia gets a call from Simon, who tells her that Thomas only took the detainees who swore loyalty to him, and murdered the rest. She tells the agent that they can't grieve, and that they need to find Hanson in San Francesco, where he's laundering money for Thomas' operations. Sophie tells Simon that she'll be there shortly, but has some personal matters to take care of. In the nearby house, Michael is leaving Samantha with his friend, Carlos, and Leila demands answers from her father. He promises to explain later, and then has Carlos dig up a gun from the backyard. Carlos warns that some of the other detainees are considering joining with Thomas, but he isn't one of them. Michael goes to the car and meets with Sophia, who says that they have to dispose of anyone who is working with Thomas.
In San Francisco, Hanson goes to the backroom of a shop and meets with the woman who handles his laundering. As he goes out, he spots Sophia coming across the street. Hanson leaves via the back exit but Michael is waiting for him. They take him to an abandoned office and Michael beats him for information, and Hanson finally admits that Thomas is trying to obtain uranium to power the portal array. He plans to get the uranium from a nuclear power plant in California, and explains that Thomas won't be near the reactor when he takes the uranium.
Sophia calls Martinez, and the general advises him to keep her on the line so they can trace the call. She tells the President that Thomas plans to use a portal to steal nuclear rods, and he'll then use the rods to power the larger array. Sophia warns that Thomas tried portaling nuclear rods from Chernobyl, causing the disaster. She explains that a strong magnetic field will block the portal, and they have to either create such a field at the reactor or move the rods. When Martinez wonders why he should believe her, Sophia merely says that everything she's kept secret has been to protect him and hangs up.
In their new room, Leila tries to find a blanket for Samantha, and quickly hides a photo of Sean. Samantha sees it anyway and asks if she misses Sean, and Leila admits that she does. However, she explains that thinking about him makes her sad.
Sean enters a bar and looks at a photo of Leila. The woman next to him notices and asks if she's his boyfriend, and he hastily puts it away. The woman tells him that he'll find someone else. Her boyfriend Mark comes over and figures she's hitting on Sean. When he tries to pull her away, Sean starts to interfere and Mark shoves him. When Sean tries to walk away, Mark refuses to let him go and continues his attack. Sean finally fights back, beating him until the bartender calls him off.
Sean goes to a house and starts eating the food out of the refrigerator. The owner confronts him, and Sean apologizes for breaking in on his sister. She tells him that the police have been asking after him, but she had nothing to tell them. Sean tries to explain and realizes that his sister is skeptical, and explains that he had to leave Leila. Sean's sister says that she wants to help, but she can't let him get found there because her boyfriend is out on parole. Sean wants Jimmy to set him up with a fake ID so he can get into Mexico. She points out that he's running away and wonders if he wants to stop them.
Sterling goes over the Chernobyl data and warns that a similar incident would cover much of California, rendering the land useless for generation. They have plans to move the rods to Camp Pendleton and protect them with a magnetic field. However, Martinez suggests that they put a tracking device on the rods, led Thomas portal them, and find his base. The rest of the staff disagrees, but Martinez insists that they need to be proactive. When the President wonders if they have anything else to substantiate Sophia's claims, Sterling admits that Maya's sacrifice at Inostranka convinced him that Sophia's people are opposing Thomas'. He insists that they have to trust Sophia rather than risk a nuclear meltdown, and advise Martinez to start moving the rods now. The President is angry that their only option is the one Sophia wants them to pursue, but makes the call to move the rods.
Simon goes to the nuclear plant and tells the supervisor that they need to shut down and move the rods immediately. The supervisor notes that no one can possibly steal the rods, but Simon tells him to start the shut down.
At their office, Michael tells Sophia that he's evacuated all of their people in the area of the nuclear plant. Sophia admits that a lot of their people are waiting to see who emerges triumphant, Sophia or Thomas, and thanks him for his help in getting as far as they have. They get a call from Simon, who updates them on the status of the rods. As they talk, Hanson listens in from the next room. He then pulls a transmitter out of his own flesh and calls Thomas to inform him that Sophia took the bait and the rods are being moved. Thomas tells Hanson to take out Sophia now that she's served her purpose.
Leila overhears Carlos and his wife discussing the merits of choosing between Thomas and Sophia. When Carlos mentions that the native population could be harmed, Leila steps out and demands to know what they're talking about. Carlos says that it's up to Michael to tell her, and they don't trust her because they don't know what her half-blood makes her.
Vicky Roberts is in a grocery store and notices a man watching her. His wife hustles him away, and Vicky continues to the produce section where a man seemingly offers her tips on testing melons. She walks away and the man follows her outside. Vicky grabs him and shoves him to the ground, demanding to know who he works for. The man insists that he was juts returning a receipt that she dropped, and she lets him go. When she arrives home, Vicky notices that a window is open. Sean draws on her and explains that he's not there to kill her unless she forces his hand. He demands to know who she's been working for, and wants her help stopping them.
Michael makes soup for Sophia and warns her that they can't stay there much longer. He checks on Hanson, who appears secure, and then goes outside to make preparations to leave. Once Michael is outside, Hanson shorts out a socket and uses the wire to pick the lock on his handcuffs. He then yanks the wires free to use as a garrote.
Simon is driving in the motorcade escorting the truck with the nuclear rods. An explosion goes off in the road and Thomas' sleepers open fire from the side of the road.
Hanson attacks Sophia and tries to strangle her. She hits him with a coffee pot and tries to run, but Hanson tackles her.
Simon orders the truck driver to get out.
Hanson manages to get the upper hand and throttles her with his bare hands.
Thomas' sleepers kill the driver. Simon gets to the cab and ducks as Thomas orders his men to kill the agent.
Michael arrives in time to kill Hanson with a shotgun.
Thomas' men take the truck and discover that Simon is no longer in the cab. Their leader orders his men to move out with the rods.
Michael makes sure that Sophia is okay, and she finds the transmitter in his ear. She realizes that Thomas has been playing them all along.
Thomas and his men drive off with the rods, while Simon hides beneath a nearby bridge.
After finishing a meeting, Martinez receives word from Sterling that Thomas has hijacked the uranium rods and killed most of their men. Sterling figures that it was planned, and that Thomas planned on them to move the rods. Sophia calls to warn Martinez of what has happened, and he accuses her of tricking him. She insists that Thomas duped her as well, and Martinez demands that she proves her good intentions by turning herself in. She hangs up, but not before Sterling completes the trace. The director tracks her to San Francisco and informs Martinez that the next time she calls, they can pinpoint her signal. Martinez orders men into the field to capture her... and authorizes the use of lethal force.
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