Sam, Dean, and Bobby search for the Mother of All's most recent child, but run into trouble when they discover that Samuel and Gwen are also looking for the creature. As things deteriorate, Samuel and Bobby argue over the best way to handle the situation.
Full Recap
At a gas station, a trucker, Rick, is filling up when the Mother of All appears behind him. She asks for a ride and he agrees. The woman introduces herself as Eve and kisses him, and Rick tells her to back off. He gives her a religious pamphlet, but Eve tells him that God doesn't care about humanity, and the Apocalypse has come and gone. She promises that a mother wouldn't abandon her children, offers to tell him a secret, and then leans forward and puts her mouth to his ear.
Later, Rick returns home to his sleeping wife. As she wakes up, he takes a hammer and kills her.
Bobby goes over monster sightings with the brothers and confirms that the trail leads to a city where Rick killed his wife. Posing as FBI agents, they talk to Rick, who explains that he has no memory of killing his wife. They review tapes of the truck stop and spot Eve approaching the truck. On the camera, her face appears like a ghoul, and Bobby figures that it's the Mother of All. Dean wonders what they can do against her, and Bobby says they need to turn around and run. The police get a call about someone going berserk at the cannery, and the brothers go there.
Bobby gets a call about another shooting and goes there, still posing as a FBI agent. The police have gunned down the berserk man. He discovers that fellow hunter Rufus is there, and Bobby agrees to work together. They go to the morgue and examine the shooter's corpse, and find a small piece of black material in his right ear. Bobby figures that the cannery factory is the connection.
Sam and Dean are preparing to go into the cannery when Bobby and Rufus arrive. They break in and discover that Gwen and Samuel are already inside. Dean prepares to shoot Samuel, but Sam stops him. Samuel explains that they're working, and Dean snaps at him. Bobby tells Sam to get Dean outside, and Sam suggests that they wait until they find out what Samuel learns. Once Dean walks away, Samuel realizes that Sam has recovered his soul, and that he doesn't remember what happened. Rufus gets them back on track and explains that they're hunting Eve, the Mother of All. When Bobby points out that Samuel betrayed his grandsons, Gwen is shocked since she was unaware of what happened. She goes to confirm the story with Dean and apologizes for her ignorance. Dean says there's something he needs to tell her, and then draws his gun and shoots her. When the others run to investigate the gunshot, there's no sign of Dean.
Rufus tries to stabilize Eve without success. Sam returns from looking for Dean, and admits he couldn't find his brother. Bobby takes command tells Rufus and Samuel to move Gwen's body while he and Sam look for Dean, and Sam warns Samuel that they're going to take Dean alive... or he'll put a bullet in Samuel's head.
The two teams search the cannery, and Sam calls Dean's cell phone. It goes off in the room where Rufus and Samuel are searching, and they draw on Dean. Sam and Bobby arrive and Dean explains that the worm thing in his head slithered out and escaped via a vent. He doesn't remember shooting Gwen, and Samuel suggests that it may still be in Dean's head. Bobby says that they have to all give up their guns, warning that it could now be in any one of them. After a tense moment, the others agree, Samuel last. Once they lock up the guns, Rufus and Bobby make some calls to their contacts to figure out what they're up against. Samuel gets up to leave for the bathroom, daring Sam and Dean to go with him. They let him go but then follow him. Meanwhile, Rufus and Bobby come up with nothing, and Bobby suggests they go after it rather than sit around doing nothing. When Rufus comments that they did the same thing in Omaha, Bobby complains that he brought up Omaha.
Dean and Sam confront Samuel, and Dean asks how Samuel can sleep at night. Samuel says that he did what he had to and he's not going to cry over it. When Sam objects, Samuel says that what he did was nothing compared to what Sam did during the year when his soul was missing. Sam wants to know what he did, but Dean interrupts and warns Samuel that once they finish the job, Samuel is next. As he turns, Dean spots a trace of black goo in his ear. He manages to stop Samuel from shooting them with a hidden gun, and the possessed Samuel runs off. Rufus and Bobby go to get their guns, and Sam and Dean return to admit they lost Samuel.
The four hunters search the cannery, and Sam suddenly shoves the others back. He reveals that Samuel has set a booby trap. They step over the tripwire and continue, but the lights go out and a door closes, cutting Sam off from the others. Sam looks for another way around and finds Samuel, who dares him to shoot while walking toward Sam. Samuel offers to tell him about everything else that he did and continues walking toward him, and Sam shoots him down.
The others arrive and Bobby tells Sam to drop the gun. He does so and explains what happened, but the others aren't convinced. Sam admits that he didn't see anything come out of Samuel, and they handcuff him to be on the safe side. They check his ear and find no trace of black goo. Rufus suggests they cut open Samuel's skull and goes with Bobby to get a saw and get the power on, while Sam and Dean watch each other and Samuel's corpse.
As the brothers wait, Dean assures Sam that he did the same thing. Sam admits that he doesn't remember much of what he did with Samuel, and what he does remember wasn't good. He asks what Mary would say, and Dean believes that she would have said that you have to earn family status. Bobby and Rufus get the power back on and return with the saw, and Bobby suggests the brothers go outside while they cut open Samuel's skull. Sam and Dean walk away, while Bobby tells Rufus that Omaha was his fault and he should have listened to him. He tries to apologize for causing one of Rufus' loved ones to die, but Rufus says that nothing he can say will change things and he'll never forgive Bobby for what happened. He tells him to change the subject and then goes to work. Samuel's eyes open and he attacks them. He bars the door as Dean and Sam run to investigate, and then knocks Rufus unconscious. Bobby manages to slam him against an electrical outlet, shocking him, and the slug crawls out of his ear and across the floor. The brothers break in and explain that the electricity drove the creature out. Dean suggests that it might be in Bobby or Rufus, and Rufus notes that it might have gotten into one of the brothers when they weren't looking. They check their ears for goo and find nothing, but Dean figures that it covered its trail.
Sam comes up with a test, and strips the wires on Bobby's saw. He shocks Samuel's corpse first, and Dean volunteers to go next. He passes, and then Sam tests himself. Rufus refuses, saying he has a pacemaker, but finally gives in. That leaves Bobby, who nervously backs away and then grabs a knife and stabs Rufus in the chest. The brothers manage to knock him out and then tape him to a chair. They torture "Bobby" with electricity, and the creature speaks through him, saying that he's comfortable inside of Bobby. It invites them to ask whatever they want, saying that it has nothing to hide. The monster explains that Eve created it recently, and she's the Mother of All monsters, and the end of humanity. By the time Eve is done, the humans will live in pens. The monster tells them that it killed the truckers to lure the brothers to the cannery, and that Eve wants them to know it will be nothing but pain for them from now on. Dean tortures Bobby's body until Sam stops him, and the monster warns that they can't kill it without killing Bobby as well. Dean informs it that they'll do what Bobby would want them to do, and Sam gags Bobby. Dean then applies the electrical wires and tells Bobby to hang on. Black ooze flows from Bobby's nostrils, and the dead creature finally drops out of his ear. Sam realizes that Bobby isn't breathing.
Later, Sam, Dean, and Bobby bury Rufus. Bobby explains that he was a normal mechanic until his wife got possessed. It was Rufus that helped him exorcise the demon and cleaned things up so Bobby didn't go to jail for murder. They worked as partners for years until Omaha. Dean says that it doesn't matter, because at the end of the day they were family. He tells Bobby and Sam that if he dies, it's blanket apologies for everyone. Sam and Bobby agree, and Bobby pours a bottle of whiskey on the grave and then takes a drink himself.
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